Arrived for this showcase gig to a request from Mark and Chris to play an extended set. Played 3 songs in the first half and then finished the second half with a further 5 songs and the Roystoneers requested an encore- so our version of "Reynardine" was brought on from the subs bench. The Roystoneers once again proved themselves to be a very warm-hearted and appreciative audience and we had a really good time playing/singing to them. The evening couldn't have been better particularly as the club offered us a concert gig later this year at the end of June. Needless to say we are very much looking forward to that.
In full flight- and judging by the capo position on my guitar we may well be singing our version of John Martyns song "Hurt in your heart".
And here is a link to a short video of us singing the very end of "Horn Fair" and then the front end of "Hurt in your heart"